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6 yrs ago
u can take up the defence of self defence in a murder case but at the same time u should keep this fact in mind that the burden of prove this fact have to be discharged by you. let me tell you one thing more each case has its own facts. further u can contact me 9718694481
6 yrs ago
If u have killed someone in self defence then,defence can be taken under provisions of IPC( indian penal code), right to pvt defence.but whether u can be totally discharged from accusations depends upon various other factors.u can contact foe further details.
6 yrs ago
Right to private defence is available to everyone. It is mentioned under sections 96 to 106 of the IPC. Nothing will be consider as an offence if it performed in the of private defence. It can be used when there is a reasonable apprehension of death or grievous hurt. It can be used only if the person using it does not inflict more pain than it is necessary.