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Section-62 Right of usufructuary mortgagor to recover possession

Section-62 Right of usufructuary mortgagor to recover possession

In the case of a usufructuary mortgage, the mortgagor has a right to recover possession of the property together with the mortgage-deed and all documents relating to the mortgaged property which are in the possession or power of the mortgagee,-

(a) where the mortgagee is authorized to pay himself the mortgage-money from the rents and profits of the property,-when such money is paid;

(b) where the mortgagee is authorized to pay himself from such rents and profits or any part thereof a part only of the mortgage-money,-when the term (if any) prescribed for the payment of the mortgage-money has expired and the mortgagor pays or tenders to the mortgagee the mortgage-money or the balance thereof or deposits it in court hereinafter provided

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