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Piyush Aggarwal asked a question

Sell property without documents

Category : Property Law

views: 2914followers: 0 answers: 5

My property documents are lost how can I sell my property?
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  1. 7 yrs ago

     Certified Copy of property papers can be obtained from registrar office to sell the property. and a fir is also required to inform the state so that no one could misuse the paers.

  2. 7 yrs ago

    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Documentation for sale of a property is required for proving d trasnaction took place between d parties

  3. 7 yrs ago

    First of all file the FIR that you have lost the property paper 

  4. 7 yrs ago

    Contact the registrar of your area and ask him to provide you the duplicate copies of your documents 

  5. 7 yrs ago

    Advocate Jai Prakash Narayan Gupta
    Administrative & Public Law

    It's easy.

    You should go to the concerned registry office where the property has been originally registered and procure the certify copy from that registry office by way of depositing certain amount, then the office shall issue the certify/duplicate copy of the said document and that document is as good as the original ones.
    You can then sell the property on the basis of that.

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