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Anonymous asked a question

Rights of a Hindu widow and her son on inherited property of inlaws?

Category : Family Law

views: 1570followers: 1 answers: 7

My husband passed away recently...I had been married for 23 yrs. And staying in my In laws house since then....we have separate floors...my in-laws on the ground floor and we on the first floor...this house has been brought after selling a house which was inherited by my mother in law from her parents...I want to know if I or my son have a share in this house after my husband's death...do we have a right over this property?
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  1. 6 yrs ago

    Neither you nor your your son have any rights inrespect of inhereted property of your mother in law.

  2. 6 yrs ago

    Administrative & Public Law

    Yes you have and your son have also rites in this property

  3. 6 yrs ago

    Advocate SUNIL KUMAR
    Appellate Litigation

    If you have any proof that house which was sold has been inserted by your mother in law from her parents, then your husband would have his share in that property as per prevailing law of succession in the absence of any will by your mother in law.

    Accordingly you would be entitled for his share and so on according ya cording to law of succession.

  4. 6 yrs ago

    Advocate Pranesh
    Administrative & Public Law

    Is there any proof that property was purchased from funds from ancestral funds ? you can call me on ********** with full details

  5. 6 yrs ago

    Hey. After your husband's death, u can not claim right in a property which is a self acquired property of ur mother in law . Yes, ur son can claim a right but that too after ur mother in law is no more and she has not left any will in some other person's name .

  6. 6 yrs ago

    Advocate GANESH SINGH
    Administrative & Public Law


    You have all the rights which your husband had before his death because you are his legal heir.

  7. 6 yrs ago

    Advocate Yaashna Thakran(Associate Member)
    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    One could easily argue that it was joint family property so yes you as well as your son would get the share that would have been your husband's. The easiest way would to see how it has been treated in the ITRs. 

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