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Section-13 Jurisdiction, powers and authority of Claims Tribunal

Section-13 Jurisdiction, powers and authority of Claims Tribunal

1.     The Claims Tribunal shall exercise, on and from the appointed day, all such jurisdiction, powers and authority as were exercisable immediately before that day by any civil court or a Claims Commissioner appointed under the provisions of the Railways Act,-

a.     Relating to the responsibility of the railway administrations as carriers under Chapter VII of the Railways Act in respect of claims for-

i.        Compensation for loss, destruction, damage, deterioration or non-delivery of animals or goods entrusted to a railway administration for carriage by railway;

ii.        Compensation pay able under section 82A of the Railways Act or the rules made there under; and

b.    in respect of the claims for refund of fares or part there of or for refund of any freight paid in respect of animals or goods entrusted to a railway administration to be carried by railway.

1A.  [The Claims Tribunal shall also exercise, on and from the date of commencement of the provisions of section 124A of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989), all such jurisdiction, powers and authority as were exercisable immediately before that date by any civil court in respect of claims for compensation now payable by the railway administration under section 124A of the said Act or the rules made there under.]

2.     The provisions of the [Railways Act 1989 (24 of 1989)] and the rules made there under shall, so far as may be, be applicable to the inquiring into or determining, any claims by the Claims Tribunal under this Act

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